The DiscoverU Life Podcast

How to Fight the Temptation this Ramadan? Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

DiscoverU Life

Why do hardships come even after choosing the path of Islam? Shouldn’t life become easier when you're on the truth?

In this podcast, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) shares a powerful reflection on trials, struggles, and the reality of faith. 

Allah makes it clear in the Quran: “Do you think you will enter Paradise while such [trials] have not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you?” (Quran 2:214). 

Every believer will be tested, just as those before us were. Wealth, health, and personal hardships are all part of the journey. The struggle itself is proof that you're on the right path.

Jannah is not easy. It is surrounded by difficulty, while Hellfire is surrounded by ease and desires. The challenges you face, the temptations you resist, the hardships that shake you - every single one is a step closer to Allah’s pleasure.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, if you're questioning why life isn’t getting easier, this reminder is for you. The road to Jannah is not for the weak-hearted. But for those who endure, who hold firm, who refuse to waver, the reward is beyond imagination.

Let this reminder reshape the way you see your trials. Stay the course. Stay firm. Keep going.