The DiscoverU Life Podcast

The Power of Invoking Names of Allah (swt) | Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

DiscoverU Life

Each name of Allah is a manifestation of His perfection.

His (swt) attributes are beyond human comprehension.

When we invoke Allah using His names in our Duas…

We’re not merely uttering words but tapping into the essence of His attributes. 

Whether we call upon Him as Al-Rahman (the Most Merciful) or Al-Qadir (the All-Powerful), we’re acknowledging His sovereignty over all creation and seeking His aid with humility and reverence.

In it, we beseech Allah by His beautiful names. Who better to call during our lowest points in life?

Furthermore, let us reflect on the common phrase ""God is love."" While some phrases like “God is love” may carry good intentions, they fall short of capturing the entirety of Allah's majesty. 

Yes, Allah is indeed Al-Wadud (the All-Loving), but to reduce Him to a mere abstract concept like love is to diminish His greatness. 

Let’s not forget to approach Allah with the utmost reverence and awe, acknowledging His names and attributes in their fullness.

Let’s never underestimate the power of invoking Allah through His names. 

Take a moment to reflect on the power of Allah’s attributes and choose His names carefully. May Allah guide us on this path of enlightenment and bless us with His mercy and grace. Ameen"

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