The DiscoverU Life Podcast

Raising Huffadh in a World of Distractions Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

DiscoverU Life

In this talk, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) shares personal insights and practical advice on how to raise Huffadh — children who memorize the entire Quran. 

As a young boy sent to an Islamic boarding school to memorize the Quran, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) was one of the few who became a Huffadh in his early childhood.

His personal story highlights the deep, lifelong attachment that comes from spending intimate hours with the Quran. 

He emphasizes the importance of raising the standard within our communities, moving beyond the basic goal of reading or memorizing short portions of the Quran, to encouraging children to memorize significant portions, if not the entire Quran.

Shaykh (rA) also focused on the crucial role of parents in their children's Quranic education, discussing how the love and discipline instilled at a young age form a foundation that lasts a lifetime. 

And also warns of the dangers of settling for low community standards and encourages parents to aim higher, preparing their children not just for worldly success, but for the ultimate success in the Hereafter. 

The significance of parents' influence, the importance of family stability, and how prioritizing Quranic memorization can lead to both intellectual and spiritual excellence.

In a time where attention spans are shrinking and Islamic knowledge is often reduced to tweets and quick videos, Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) reminds us of the value of immersive, focused learning.

The practical tips and motivation discussed in this podcast are for all parents who aspire to raise children deeply connected to the Quran and equipped for both this world and the next.