The DiscoverU Life Podcast

Iron man and the Purpose of Life | Ft. Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)

DiscoverU Life

As Muslims, our identity is deeply intertwined with our faith, our values, and our actions. 

We’re those who consciously submit to the one God, without associating partners with Him. 

Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) also talked about ""sheep mentality""  - an innate tendency to seek commonality with others and to follow the crowd. 

But if we're not careful, we may find ourselves following the wrong influences, straying from the path of righteousness. 

Sadly, youngsters are easy victims of blind following. That's why guidance is crucial. 

We need leaders who can steer us in the right direction, and who can help us identify with the right principles and people.

In today's society, it's all too easy to idolize actors, musicians, and other celebrities. 

But who should truly be our role models? Back in the day, it was the community leaders, those actively involved in doing good. We need to shift our focus back to these individuals, to those who embody the values we aspire to live by.

But here's the thing: in the midst of all this confusion, how do we find our way? How do we uncover the true purpose of life? 

Watch as Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA) explains how to seek truth amidst these conflicting personalities.

 As Muslims, we're blessed with clarity. Islam provides us with a clear understanding of our purpose: to worship Allah alone and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

And let's not forget about the importance of seeking higher principles. In a world filled with man-made religions and ideologies, we must elevate ourselves above the fray. We must seek out the principles that resonate with our souls, and that align with the truth of Islam. It's about critical thinking, about discerning between what is authentic and what is merely a distraction.

May Allah guide us all on the straight path and grant us strength and perseverance in our journey of faith. Ameen.

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